Thursday, April 5, 2012


  1. dude. these are fantastic! they look so very wonderful! Sam was the perfect model for this! They're so bad ass. I really like the pictures with him smoking. And the ones with the water and bridge. The colors are excellent!

  2. Wow! Great job! These photos look amazing. Your model was fantastic and the settings were awesome! The only photo I would edit/change would be the diptych of Sam by the rocks & water. His face looks a little washed out. Other than that, AMAZING!

  3. Connor, i love that you picked this as your concentration. You really had a good understanding of how you wanted it to come out and being able to set it up and make it work. I agree with Maggie i think that sam was an excellent model for your theme. The only thing i would change is some of the darkness in a few photos. I feel like some of them are just a little to dark. But other then that your entire concentration tells a great story.

  4. These are all so amazing! All these images are super clear and tell a good story.

  5. I like your 8th image the best, it shows really good space and emotion. It looks like you really planned out your images beforehand, good job.

  6. I really like how all your images tell a great story. They are all clear and in different areas.

  7. All of your pictures are amazing. I love your concentration and I love the pictures. Easily one of my favorites.

  8. All of your pictures are really great! I like how you used single shots and then made some collages, it has a lot of variety! I feel like some of your images are a little too edited and they turned out a little darker than the rest of your shots. You did a really great job with your theme!

  9. My favorite picture is the first one. I didn't see Sam until for the longest time. You do a really good job with color and light. Your fifth picture down (the one with all the smoking) I'm not sure if you should have the pipe pic. It made me confused because all your other combo pictures are usually taken in the same scene. Right? I can see a story within each dyptic thingy. However, I got confused because, for a second, I thought that Sam was smoking a cigar AND a pipe at the same time or one right after the other...It doesn't really fit with your style of dyptic/combo/ picture things.

  10. These pictures are so realistic. I love your idea and the way it came out is great. The single shots along with the colleged images work so well. Most of the photos are strong enough to stand on their own but the ones you've paired them with just add to the mood created.

  11. I'm really jealous of how your concentration turned out, it's nary a flaw. The detail is spot-on and each shot really contributes to the story. I love like every one of these. Well done.

  12. I love your concentration! It is so expressive! Every picture shows a specific mood. They all seem well planned as well. Maybe you could add more close up shots.

  13. Freaking *GASP*. Connorpants these are flippin' fantastic photos!! I love the one where his face is hidden partially when he's standing in the circle thingy, it's super powerful. I also love the upclose shot of traintracks compared to the tressel against the water. Yaaaaaaaaay! Super good job yo.

  14. Your pictures are great. I really liked how on some you used a lot of pictures to tell a story. I also think you used a great model for your concentration theme. He really fits the part.
